brittni and the polar bear


the team of brittni watkins and azurepolarbear. generative art algorithms, application development, and computer science education.

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about brittni and the polar bear

Hello, everyone! Welcome to brittni and the polar bear! We are the team of brittni watkins and azurepolarbear, and between the two of us we are interested in everything from generative art, to blockchain, to application development, to computer science education.

Our goal is to build a community of people who are passionate and/or curious about the intersection between art and technology.

Here’s a fun fact for you: brittni watkins and azurepolarbear are the same person. I am one person! Through a series of (bad?) decisions over the past three years, I now manage three social media brands revolving around this project. But don’t worry, they all do different things and produce different types of content.

Let’s see if I can break it down for you…

brittni watkins is the software engineer. She has a Master’s degree in Computer Science, and loves all things code and technology. She also loves emo and punk pop music, Hello Kitty, romance novels, and stickers. You’ll like her; she’s really nice.

azurepolarbear is the artist. She adores all kinds of art: generative art, paintings, photographs, digital art. No formal art background, but that’s not going to stop her. polarbear is also fascinated by blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs. She thinks that generative art NFTs are some of the best things ever, and will spend hours telling you about her collection if you let her.

Together, we make brittni and the polar bear. The business we created to house, publish, and sell the digital and physical products we create through our work in software engineering and generative art.

I have so many ideas! So many things that I want to do and create! This is a day one account. When you follow me, you are following the progress of a woman who is very new to business and social media management as she fails and succeeds on her way to reaching her goals.

I hope you decide to join me on this exciting adventure! It’s going to be so much fun!