The names of the colors that can be or have been chosen by the color selector.
The name of the selector (e.g. 'blue rgb color selector').
COLOR_A Set of the names of the colors that can be or have been chosen by the color selector.
Select and return a Color object to be used as a background.
The color will either be black (#000000), white (#FFFFFF), or a color
from the selector, chosen by the getColor method.
IMPORTANT: The sum of chanceOfBlack, chanceOfWhite, and chanceOfColor
should be equal to 1.0.
The percent (0-1) chance that the chosen color will be black (#000000). The sum of all percentages should be equal to 1.0.
The percent (0-1) chance that the chosen color will be white (#FFFFFF). The sum of all percentages should be equal to 1.0.
The percent (0-1) chance that the chosen color will be a color from the selector (getColor). The sum of all percentages should be equal to 1.0.
Default color selector. To be used when a valid color selector cannot be found.