constructorThe name of the color selector.
randomOrder: booleanA flag that determines the color selection order
of selectColorFromChoices.
When randomOrder
is true
, selectColorFromChoices will select colors in a random order.
When randomOrder
is false
, selectColorFromChoices will select colors in list order.
The names of the colors that can be or have been chosen by the color selector.
The name of the selector (e.g. 'blue rgb color selector').
typeThe ColorSelectorType of the selector.
COLOR_A Set of the names of the colors that can be or have been chosen by the color selector.
Select and return a Color object to be used as a background.
The color will either be black (#000000), white (#FFFFFF), or a color
from the selector, chosen by the getColor method.
IMPORTANT: The sum of chanceOfBlack, chanceOfWhite, and chanceOfColor
should be equal to 1.0.
The percent (0-1) chance that the chosen color will be black (#000000). The sum of all percentages should be equal to 1.0.
The percent (0-1) chance that the chosen color will be white (#FFFFFF). The sum of all percentages should be equal to 1.0.
The percent (0-1) chance that the chosen color will be a color from the selector (getColor). The sum of all percentages should be equal to 1.0.
ColorSelectors choose and return colors from some list or criteria.