Class PaletteColorSelector

A basic ColorSelector that chooses colors from a given Palette.

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Parameters

    • palette: Palette

      The Palette from which colors will be selected.

    • OptionalbuildWithPaletteOrder: boolean

      When true, colors will be chosen in the order they appear in the Palette.COLORS list. If buildWithPaletteOrder is true and randomOrder is false, the order of colors from getColor will match the order of colors in the palette.

    • OptionalcolorCount: number

      The number of colors available in the selector. This number should be less than or equal to the number of colors in the given palette.

    • OptionalrandomOrder: boolean

      A flag that determines the color selection order of getColor. When true, colors will be chosen in a random order. When false, colors will be chosen in the order they were initially selected.

    Returns PaletteColorSelector


  • get colorNames(): string[]
  • Returns string[]

    The names of the colors that can be or have been chosen by the color selector.

  • get name(): string
  • Returns string

    The name of the selector (e.g. 'blue rgb color selector').

  • get COLOR_NAMES(): Set<string>
  • Returns Set<string>

    A Set of the names of the colors that can be or have been chosen by the color selector.


  • Select and return a Color object to be used as a background. The color will either be black (#000000), white (#FFFFFF), or a color from the selector, chosen by the getColor method.
    IMPORTANT: The sum of chanceOfBlack, chanceOfWhite, and chanceOfColor should be equal to 1.0.


    • chanceOfBlack: number

      The percent (0-1) chance that the chosen color will be black (#000000). The sum of all percentages should be equal to 1.0.

    • chanceOfWhite: number

      The percent (0-1) chance that the chosen color will be white (#FFFFFF). The sum of all percentages should be equal to 1.0.

    • chanceOfColor: number

      The percent (0-1) chance that the chosen color will be a color from the selector (getColor). The sum of all percentages should be equal to 1.0.

    Returns Color

  • Add a Color to the list of possible color choices.


    Returns void